
belt, girdle, band, strap, zone


  • belt, girdle, band, strap, zone
  • band
  • belt
  • girdle
  • ribbon
  • tire
  • area
  • zone
  • region
  • CL:條|条[tiao2]
  • to wear
  • to carry
  • to take along
  • to bear (i.e. to have)
  • to lead
  • to bring
  • to look after
  • to raise


病容 miàn dài bìng róng to look unwell
xié dài shoelace; CL:根[gen1],雙|双[shuang1]
rèn dài ligament
yīn dài audio tape
shùn dài (do sth) in passing; incidentally (while doing sth else)
lǐng dài necktie; CL:條|条[tiao2]
pín dài frequency range; bandwidth
piāo dài streamer; pennant
shì dài sash; streamer
fà dài headband
鬆緊 sōng jǐn dài (a length of) elastic
黏扣 nián kòu dài velcro (Tw)
shàng dài to guide or lead to
著 dài zhe carrying; with; accompanied by
中心地 zhōng xīn dì dài central zone; downtown area; central district
你去 dài nǐ qù take you to; bring you to; accompany you to go
zhōng dài with a hint of; carrying