尿 niào

urine; urinate



尿 niào
  • to urinate
  • urine
  • CL:泡[pao1]
尿 suī
  • see 尿[niao4]


尿 stroke order diagram
尿 stroke order animation


尿布 niào bù diaper
尿 sā niào to pass water; to piss; to urinate; to wee wee
尿病 táng niào bìng diabetes; diabetes mellitus
尿床 niào chuáng bed-wetting
尿样 niào yàng urine; urine sample
尿道 niào dào urethra; urinary tract
尿剂 lì niào jì diuretic
尿盆 niào pén chamber pot
尿素 niào sù carbamide; urea (NH2)2CO
尿管 shū niào guǎn ureter
一把屎一把尿 yī bǎ shǐ yī bǎ niào to have endured all sorts of hardships (to raise one's children) (idiom)
尿 lì niào to promote urination; diuresis
尿劑 lì niào jì diuretic
尿 dǎo niào urinary catheterization
尿 dǎo niào urinary catheterization
尿不湿 niào bù shī (coll.) disposable diaper
尿不濕 niào bù shī (coll.) disposable diaper
尿嘧啶 niào mì dìng uracil nucleotide (U, pairs with adenine A 腺嘌呤 in RNA)
尿尿 niào niào to pee
尿急 niào jí urinary urgency
尿樣 niào yàng urine; urine sample
尿毒 niào dú uremia (medicine)
尿毒症 niào dú zhèng uremia (medicine)
尿泡 suī pao (dialect) bladder; to urinate
尿液 niào yè urine
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