尿 niào

urine; urinate



尿 niào
  • to urinate
  • urine
  • CL:泡[pao1]
尿 suī
  • see 尿[niao4]


尿 stroke order diagram
尿 stroke order animation


尿炕 niào kàng bed-wetting
尿片 niào piàn diaper
尿生殖管道 niào shēng zhí guǎn dào urinogenital tract
尿盆儿 niào pén r erhua variant of 尿盆[niao4 pen2]
尿盆兒 niào pén r erhua variant of 尿盆[niao4 pen2]
尿脬 suī pāo bladder
尿点 niào diǎn the boring part of something (film, show, etc.) where a bathroom break can be taken
尿點 niào diǎn the boring part of something (film, show, etc.) where a bathroom break can be taken
屁滚尿流 pì gǔn niào liú to piss in one's pants in terror (idiom); scared witless
屁滾尿流 pì gǔn niào liú to piss in one's pants in terror (idiom); scared witless
尿 ē niào to urinate
懒驴上磨屎尿多 lǎn lǘ shàng mò shǐ niào duō (proverb) A lazy person will find many excuses to delay working; lit. When a lazy donkey is turning a grindstone, it takes a lot of time off for peeing and pooing
懶驢上磨屎尿多 lǎn lǘ shàng mò shǐ niào duō (proverb) A lazy person will find many excuses to delay working; lit. When a lazy donkey is turning a grindstone, it takes a lot of time off for peeing and pooing
尿 bǎ niào to support a child (or invalid etc) while he or she urinates
尿 pái niào to urinate
尿 mì niào to urinate; urination
尿器 mì niào qì urinary tract; urinary organs
尿系统 mì niào xì tǒng urinary system
尿系統 mì niào xì tǒng urinary system
活人让尿憋死 huó rén ràng niào biē sǐ lit. such a fool as to die from holding in one's pee (idiom); fig. unable to solve a problem due to the inflexibility of one's thinking
活人讓尿憋死 huó rén ràng niào biē sǐ lit. such a fool as to die from holding in one's pee (idiom); fig. unable to solve a problem due to the inflexibility of one's thinking
尿酸 bō niào suān hyaluronic acid; hyaluronan
童子尿 tóng zǐ niào urine of boys under 12, used as medicine (TCM)
尿 duān niào to support a child (or invalid etc) while he or she urinates
第一型糖尿病 dì yī xíng táng niào bìng Type 1 diabetes