HSK | 1 |
FREQUENCY | 233rd character |
RADICAL | ⼩ (42.1) |
INDEX # | 110 |
few, less, inadequate
少 shǎo |
少 shào |

多少 duō shǎo | number; amount; somewhat |
多少 duō shao | how much?; how many?; (phone number, student ID etc) what number? |
至少 zhì shǎo | at least; (to say the) least |
减少 jiǎn shǎo | to lessen; to decrease; to reduce; to lower |
缺少 quē shǎo | lack; shortage of; shortfall; to be short (of); to lack |
青少年 qīng shào nián | adolescent; youth; teenager |
不少 bù shǎo | many; a lot; not few |
少校 shào xiào | junior ranking officer in Chinese army; major; lieutenant commander |
少女 shào nǚ | girl; young lady |
少年 shào nián | early youth; youngster; (literary) youth; young man |
少数 shǎo shù | small number; few; minority |
少见 shǎo jiàn | rare; not familiar (to the speaker); sth rarely experience; hard to see |
少爷 shào ye | son of the boss; young master of the house; your son (honorific) |
少量 shǎo liàng | a smidgen; a little bit; a few |
少尉 shào wèi | second lieutenant (army rank) |
少许 shǎo xǔ | a little; a few |
或多或少 huò duō huò shǎo | more or less |
年少 nián shào | young; junior |
少将 shào jiàng | major general; rear admiral; air vice marshal |
少不了 shǎo bu liǎo | cannot do without; to be unavoidable; are bound to be many |
必不可少 bì bù kě shǎo | absolutely necessary; indispensable; essential |
少有 shǎo yǒu | rare; infrequent |
少数民族 shǎo shù mín zú | national minority; ethnic group |
少年犯 shào nián fàn | young criminal; juvenile delinquent |
稀少 xī shǎo | sparse; rare |