
monopolize, take sole possession


專 zhuān
  • for a particular person, occasion, purpose
  • focused on one thing
  • special
  • expert
  • particular (to sth)
  • concentrated
  • specialized
  • variant of 專|专[zhuan1]


一黨制 yī dǎng zhuān zhì one party dictatorship
不敢自 bù gǎn zì zhuān not daring to act for oneself (idiom)
中央制集權 zhōng yāng zhuān zhì jí quán centralized autocratic rule
zhōng zhuān vocational secondary school; technical secondary school; trade school; abbr. for 中等專科學校|中等专科学校
中等業學校 zhōng děng zhuān yè xué xiào specialized middle school
中等業教育 zhōng děng zhuān yè jiào yù technical middle school education
二奶家 èr nǎi zhuān jiā "mercenary expert", a person who is supposedly an independent expert, but receives payment for making comments favorable to a particular entity
人民民主政 rén mín mín zhǔ zhuān zhèng people's democratic dictatorship
dà zhuān three-year college; junior college; professional training college
天津會議條 tiān jīn huì yì zhuān tiáo Tianjin agreement of 1885 between Li Hongzhang 李鴻章|李鸿章[Li3 Hong2 zhang1] and ITŌ Hirobumi 伊藤博文[Yi1 teng2 Bo2 wen2] to pull Qing and Japanese troops out of Korea
寵擅房 chǒng shàn zhuān fáng an especially favored concubine (idiom)
一 zhuān yī single-minded; concentrated
事 zhuān shì specialized
人 zhuān rén specialist; person appointed for specific task
任 zhuān rèn full-time; to appoint sb to a specific task
列 zhuān liè special train; abbr. for 專門列車|专门列车[zhuan1 men2 lie4 che1]
利 zhuān lì patent; sth uniquely enjoyed (or possessed etc) by a certain group of people; monopoly
利局 zhuān lì jú patent office
利權 zhuān lì quán patent right
利法 zhuān lì fǎ patent law
利藥品 zhuān lì yào pǐn patent drugs
制 zhuān zhì autocracy; dictatorship
制主義 zhuān zhì zhǔ yì absolutism; despotism; autocracy
制君主制 zhuān zhì jūn zhǔ zhì absolute monarchy; autocracy
區 zhuān qū special district; prefecture
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