
monopolize, take sole possession


專 zhuān
  • for a particular person, occasion, purpose
  • focused on one thing
  • special
  • expert
  • particular (to sth)
  • concentrated
  • specialized
  • variant of 專|专[zhuan1]


司 zhuān sī specialist (responsible some task)
名 zhuān míng proper noun
名詞 zhuān míng cí proper noun
員 zhuān yuán assistant director; commissioner
場 zhuān chǎng special performance
家 zhuān jiā expert; specialist; CL:個|个[ge4]
家系統 zhuān jiā xì tǒng expert system
家評價 zhuān jiā píng jià expert evaluation
家評論 zhuān jiā píng lùn expert commentary
屬 zhuān shǔ to belong or be dedicated exclusively to; proprietary; private; personal
屬經濟區 zhuān shǔ jīng jì qū exclusive economic zone
征 zhuān zhēng to go on a personal punitive expedition
心 zhuān xīn to concentrate; absorption; concentration; engrossed
心一意 zhuān xīn yī yì to concentrate on
心致志 zhuān xīn zhì zhì with single-hearted devotion (idiom)
意 zhuān yì deliberately; on purpose
控 zhuān kòng exclusive control
擅 zhuān shàn without authorization; to act on one's own initiative
攻 zhuān gōng to specialize in; to major in
政 zhuān zhèng dictatorship
斷 zhuān duàn to act arbitrarily; to make decisions without consulting others
有 zhuān yǒu exclusive; proprietary
有名詞 zhuān yǒu míng cí proper noun
案 zhuān àn project
案小組 zhuān àn xiǎo zǔ task force