lóng chǒng

favorite, concubine; favor


寵 chǒng
  • to love
  • to pamper
  • to spoil
  • to favor


家庭 dīng chǒng jiā tíng double income family who have pets rather than children (see also 丁克[ding1 ke4])
piān chǒng to favor; to prefer; to show favoritism
shòu chǒng to receive favor (from superior); favored; pampered
若驚 shòu chǒng ruò jīng overwhelmed by favor from superior (humble expr.)
嘩眾取 huá zhòng qǔ chǒng sensationalism; vulgar claptrap to please the crowds; playing to the gallery; demagogy
shī chǒng to lose favor; in disfavor; disgraced
jiāo chǒng to indulge; to spoil
信 chǒng xìn to dote on and trust
兒 chǒng ér pet; favorite; darling
壞 chǒng huài to spoil (a child etc)
妾 chǒng qiè favored concubine
妾滅妻 chǒng qiè miè qī favor the concubine and do away with the wife (idiom); spoil one's mistress and neglect one's wife
姬 chǒng jī favorite concubine
幸 chǒng xìng (old) (esp. of the Emperor) to show special favor towards
愛 chǒng ài to dote on sb
擅專房 chǒng shàn zhuān fáng an especially favored concubine (idiom)
物 chǒng wù house pet
臣 chǒng chén favored minister
dé chǒng to be a favorite; favor
ēn chǒng special favor from a ruler; Emperor's generosity towards a favorite
xīn chǒng current favorite; the latest thing; darling (of the market or the media etc)
zhēng chǒng to strive for favor
nà chǒng to take a concubine
物玩具 chǒng wù wán jù pet toy
臨 chǒng lín honored presence
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