
real, true, solid, honest


實 shí
  • real
  • true
  • honest
  • really
  • solid
  • fruit
  • seed
  • definitely


心 shí xīn sincere; solid
心皮球 shí xīn pí qiú medicine ball
情 shí qíng actual situation; truth
惠 shí huì tangible benefit; material advantages; cheap; economical; advantageous (deal); substantial (discount)
意 shí yì sincere; real meaning
戰 shí zhàn real combat; actual combat
拍 shí pāi candid photograph; genuine photograph (not set up or doctored)
據 shí jù factual evidence
收 shí shōu net receipts; real income
收資本 shí shōu zī běn paid-in capital; contributed capital (finance)
效 shí xiào actual effect; practical result; efficacy
數 shí shù real number (math.); actual value
數值 shí shù zhí real-valued (math.); taking real numbers as values (of a function)
數集 shí shù jí set of real numbers
施 shí shī to implement; to carry out
施例 shí shī lì (patent) implementation; embodiment
時 shí shí (in) real time; instantaneous
景 shí jǐng real scene (not set up or posed); real location (not a film studio set or theater); live action (not animation)
根 shí gēn real root (of a polynomial)
業 shí yè industry; commercial enterprise
業家 shí yè jiā industrialist
歲 shí suì method of calculating a person's age in years from birth; see also 虛歲|虚岁[xu1 sui4]; see also 足歲|足岁[zu2 sui4]
況 shí kuàng live (e.g. broadcast or recording); what is actually happening; scene; the real situation
況主 shí kuàng zhǔ live vlogger; live-streamer
況轉播 shí kuàng zhuǎn bō live relay; broadcast of actual scene; to broadcast live