
house, home, residence; family

HSK 1 #56


家 jiā
  • see 傢伙|家伙[jia1 huo5]
  • home
  • family
  • (polite) my (sister, uncle etc)
  • classifier for families or businesses
  • refers to the philosophical schools of pre-Han China
  • noun suffix for a specialist in some activity, such as a musician or revolutionary, corresponding to English -ist, -er, -ary or -ian
  • CL:個|个[ge4]


家 stroke order diagram
家 stroke order animation


jiǔ jiā restaurant; bartender; (old) wineshop; tavern
xià jiā player whose turn comes next (in a game); next one; my humble home
万户 qiān jiā wàn hù every family (idiom)
底 jiā dǐ family property; patrimony
眷 jiā juàn one's wife and children
道 jiā dào family financial circumstances
亲如一 qīn rú yī jiā family-like close relationship (idiom)
革命 gé mìng jiā a revolutionary
欢 hé jiā huān group photo of whole family
世 jiā shì family background
私 jiā sī family property; family wealth
作主 dāng jiā zuò zhǔ to be in charge in one's own house (idiom); to be the master of one's own affairs
里手 háng jiā lǐ shǒu connoisseur; expert
半路出 bàn lù chū jiā switch to a job one was not trained for
如数珍 rú shǔ jiā zhēn lit. as if enumerating one's family valuables (idiom); fig. to be very familiar with a matter
落户 ān jiā luò hù to make one's home in a place; to settle
徒四壁 jiā tú sì bì lit. with only four bare walls for a home (idiom); fig. very poor; wretched
法 jiā fǎ the rules and discipline that apply within a family; stick used for punishing children or servants; traditions of an artistic or academic school of thought, passed on from master to pupil
神学 shén xué jiā theologian
航海 háng hǎi jiā mariner; seafarer
bīng jiā the School of the Military, one of the Hundred Schools of Thought 諸子百家|诸子百家[zhu1 zi3 bai3 jia1] of the Warring States Period (475-220 BC); military strategist in ancient China; military commander; soldier
兄 jiā xiōng (polite) my elder brother
宅 jiā zhái home; residence; house
政学 jiā zhèng xué family and consumer science
计 jiā jì family livelihood; a household's economic situation; family property