
house, home, residence; family

HSK 1 #56


家 jiā
  • see 傢伙|家伙[jia1 huo5]
  • home
  • family
  • (polite) my (sister, uncle etc)
  • classifier for families or businesses
  • refers to the philosophical schools of pre-Han China
  • noun suffix for a specialist in some activity, such as a musician or revolutionary, corresponding to English -ist, -er, -ary or -ian
  • CL:個|个[ge4]


家 stroke order diagram
家 stroke order animation


shāng jiā merchant; business; enterprise
队 guó jiā duì the national team
电 jiā diàn household electric appliance; abbr. for 家用電器|家用电器
观察 guān chá jiā observer; The Observer (UK newspaper)
安全部 guó jiā ān quán bù PRC Ministry of State Security
雕刻 diāo kè jiā sculptor
摄影 shè yǐng jiā photographer
理论 lǐ lùn jiā theorist; theoretician
经济学 jīng jì xué jiā economist
gōng jiā the public; the state; society; the public purse
史学 shǐ xué jiā historian
míng jiā School of Logicians of the Warring States Period (475-220 BC), also called the School of Names; renowned expert; master (of an art or craft)
pó jia husband's family
丑 jiā chǒu family scandal; skeleton in the closet
文学 wén xué jiā writer; man of letters; CL:個|个[ge4]
古生物学 gǔ shēng wù xué jiā palaeontologist; paleobiologist
破人亡 jiā pò rén wáng family bankrupt and the people dead (idiom); ruined and orphaned; destitute and homeless
实干 shí gàn jiā sb who gets things done; doer
实业 shí yè jiā industrialist
活动 huó dòng jiā activist
金融 jīn róng jiā financier; banker
母 jiā mǔ (polite) my mother
子 bài jiā zǐ spendthrift; wastrel; prodigal
发达国 fā dá guó jiā developed nation
jǔ jiā the whole family