
Song dynasty; surname



  • Song dynasty
  • surname
  • surname Song
  • the Song dynasty (960-1279)
  • also Song of the Southern dynasties 南朝宋 (420-479)


宋 stroke order diagram
宋 stroke order animation


岛 lǚ sòng dǎo Luzon Island, north Philippines
代 sòng dài Song dynasty (960-1279)
朝 sòng cháo Song Dynasty (960-1279); also Song of Southern dynasties 南朝宋 (420-479)
仿 fǎng sòng imitation Song dynasty typeface; Fangsong font
杰瑞・飞 jié ruì ・ sòng fēi Jerry Seinfeld
傑瑞・飛 jié ruì ・ sòng fēi Jerry Seinfeld
liǎng sòng the Song dynasty (960-1279); refers to the Northern (960-1127) and Southern Song (1128-1279)
liǎng sòng the Song dynasty (960-1279); refers to the Northern (960-1127) and Southern Song (1128-1279)
liú sòng Song of the Southern dynasties 南朝宋 (420-479), with capital at Nanjing
liú sòng Song of the Southern dynasties 南朝宋 (420-479), with capital at Nanjing
时代 liú sòng shí dài Song of the Southern dynasties (420-479), with capital at Nanjing
時代 liú sòng shí dài Song of the Southern dynasties (420-479), with capital at Nanjing
běi sòng the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127)
四大部书 běi sòng sì dà bù shū Four great compilations of Northern Song dynasty, namely: Extensive records of the Taiping era (978) 太平廣記|太平广记, Imperial readings of the Taiping era 太平御覽|太平御览, Prime tortoise of the record bureau 冊府元龜|册府元龟, Finest blossoms in the garden of literature 文苑英華|文苑英华
四大部書 běi sòng sì dà bù shū Four great compilations of Northern Song dynasty, namely: Extensive records of the Taiping era (978) 太平廣記|太平广记, Imperial readings of the Taiping era 太平御覽|太平御览, Prime tortoise of the record bureau 冊府元龜|册府元龟, Finest blossoms in the garden of literature 文苑英華|文苑英华
nán sòng the Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279)
南朝 nán cháo sòng Song of the Southern dynasties (420-479), with capital at Nanjing; also known as Liu Song 劉宋|刘宋
島 lǚ sòng dǎo Luzon Island, north Philippines
海峡 lǚ sòng hǎi xiá Luzon Strait between Taiwan and Luzon Island (Philippines)
海峽 lǚ sòng hǎi xiá Luzon Strait between Taiwan and Luzon Island (Philippines)
táng sòng the Tang (618-907) and Song (960-1279) dynasties
八大家 táng sòng bā dà jiā Eight Giants of Tang and Song prose, esp. involved in the Classics movement 古文運動|古文运动[gu3 wen2 yun4 dong4], namely: Han Yu 韓愈|韩愈[Han2 Yu4], Liu Zongyuan 柳宗元[Liu3 Zong1 yuan2], Ouyang Xiu 歐陽修|欧阳修[Ou1 yang2 Xiu1], the Three Su father and sons 三蘇|三苏[San1 Su1], Wang Anshi 王安石[Wang2 An1 shi2], Zeng Gong 曾鞏|曾巩[Zeng1 Gong3]
任穷 sòng rèn qióng Song Renqiong (1909-2005), general of the People's Liberation Army
任窮 sòng rèn qióng Song Renqiong (1909-2005), general of the People's Liberation Army
史 sòng shǐ History of the Song Dynasty, twentieth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], composed under Toktoghan 脫脫|脱脱[Tuo1 tuo1] in 1345 during the Yuan Dynasty 元[Yuan2], 496 scrolls; (not to be confused with 宋書|宋书[Song4 shu1])
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