
Song dynasty; surname



  • Song dynasty
  • surname
  • surname Song
  • the Song dynasty (960-1279)
  • also Song of the Southern dynasties 南朝宋 (420-479)


宋 stroke order diagram
宋 stroke order animation


四大书 sòng sì dà shū Four great compilations of Northern Song dynasty, namely: Extensive records of the Taiping era (978) 太平廣記|太平广记, Imperial readings of the Taiping era 太平御覽|太平御览, Prime tortoise of the record bureau 冊府元龜|册府元龟, Finest blossoms in the garden of literature 文苑英華|文苑英华
四大書 sòng sì dà shū Four great compilations of Northern Song dynasty, namely: Extensive records of the Taiping era (978) 太平廣記|太平广记, Imperial readings of the Taiping era 太平御覽|太平御览, Prime tortoise of the record bureau 冊府元龜|册府元龟, Finest blossoms in the garden of literature 文苑英華|文苑英华
四家 sòng sì jiā four famous Song calligraphers, namely: Su Shi 蘇軾|苏轼[Su1 Shi4], Huang Tingjian 黃庭堅|黄庭坚[Huang2 Ting2 jian1], Mi Fu 米芾[Mi3 Fu2] and Cai Xiang 蔡襄[Cai4 Xiang1]
太祖 sòng tài zǔ Emperor Taizu of Song, posthumous title of the founding Song emperor Zhao Kuangyin 趙匡胤|赵匡胤 (927-976), reigned from 960
干节 sòng gān jié Songkran (Thai New Year festival)
干節 sòng gān jié Songkran (Thai New Year festival)
徽宗 sòng huī zōng Emperor Huizong (Song Dynasty)
慈 sòng cí Song Ci (1186-1249), Southern Song lawyer, editor of Record of Washed Grievances 洗冤集錄|洗冤集录 (1247), said to be the world's first legal forensic text
庆龄 sòng qìng líng Song Qingling or Rosemonde Soong (1893-1981), wife of Sun Yat-sen 孫中山|孙中山[Sun1 Zhong1 shan1]
慶齡 sòng qìng líng Song Qingling or Rosemonde Soong (1893-1981), wife of Sun Yat-sen 孫中山|孙中山[Sun1 Zhong1 shan1]
教仁 sòng jiào rén Song Jiaoren (1882-1913), politician of the revolutionary party involved in the 1911 Xinhai revolution, murdered in Shanghai in 1913
书 sòng shū History of Song of the Southern Dynasties 南朝宋[Nan2 chao2 Song4] or Liu Song 劉宋|刘宋[Liu2 Song4], sixth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled by Shen Yue 沈約|沈约[Shen2 Yue4] in 488 during Liang of the Southern Dynasties 南朝梁[Nan2 chao2 Liang2], 100 scrolls; (not to be confused with 宋史[Song4 shi3])
書 sòng shū History of Song of the Southern Dynasties 南朝宋[Nan2 chao2 Song4] or Liu Song 劉宋|刘宋[Liu2 Song4], sixth of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], compiled by Shen Yue 沈約|沈约[Shen2 Yue4] in 488 during Liang of the Southern Dynasties 南朝梁[Nan2 chao2 Liang2], 100 scrolls; (not to be confused with 宋史[Song4 shi3])
楚瑜 sòng chǔ yú James Soong (1942-), Taiwanese politician expelled from Guomindang in 2000 when he founded People First Party 親民黨|亲民党
武帝 sòng wǔ dì Emperor Wu of Song (363-422), personal name Liu Yu 劉裕|刘裕[Liu2 Yu4], founder of Song of the Southern dynasties 劉宋|刘宋[Liu2 Song4], broke away from Eastern Jin in 420, reigned 420-422
武帝刘裕 sòng wǔ dì liú yù Liu Yu, founder of Southern dynasty Song 劉宋|刘宋, broke away from Eastern Jin in 420
武帝劉裕 sòng wǔ dì liú yù Liu Yu, founder of Southern dynasty Song 劉宋|刘宋, broke away from Eastern Jin in 420
江 sòng jiāng Song Jiang, a principal hero of the novel Water Margin 水滸傳|水浒传
濂 sòng lián Song Lian (1310-1381), Ming dynasty writer, historian and politician
白 sòng bái Song Bai (936-1012), Northern Song literary man
祁 sòng qí Song Qi (998-1061), Song dynasty poet and writer, coauthor of History of the Later Tang Dynasty 新唐書|新唐书
祖英 sòng zǔ yīng Song Zuying (1966-), Chinese folk music singer
美龄 sòng měi líng Soong Mei-ling (1898-2003), Chiang Kai-shek's second wife
美齡 sòng měi líng Soong Mei-ling (1898-2003), Chiang Kai-shek's second wife
襄公 sòng xiāng gōng Duke Xiang of Song (reigned 650-637 BC), sometimes considered one of the Five Hegemons 春秋五霸