
take by force, rob, snatch


奪 duó
  • to seize
  • to take away forcibly
  • to wrest control of
  • to compete or strive for
  • to force one's way through
  • to leave out
  • to lose


jué duó to seize; to pillage; to plunder
橫刀愛 héng dāo duó ài to rob sb of sth they cherish (idiom)
爭分秒 zhēng fēn duó miǎo lit. fight minutes, snatch seconds (idiom); a race against time; making every second count
爭名利 zhēng míng duó lì to fight for fame, grab profit (idiom); scrambling for fame and wealth; only interested in personal gain
zhēng duó to fight over; to contest; to vie over
戰 zhēng duó zhàn struggle
爭權利 zhēng quán duó lì scramble for power and profit (idiom); power struggle
璀璨目 cuǐ càn duó mù dazzling (idiom)
lüè duó variant of 掠奪|掠夺[lu:e4 duo2]
cuàn duó to usurp; to seize
cái duó to consider and decide
chǐ duó to deprive; to strip of
zhuó duó to make a considered decision
龍口食 lóng kǒu duó shí to harvest hurriedly before rain comes