ancient barbarian tribes



  • ancient barbarian tribes
  • non-Han people, esp. to the East of China
  • barbarians
  • to wipe out
  • to exterminate
  • to tear down
  • to raze


夷 stroke order diagram
夷 stroke order animation


狄 yí dí non-Han tribes in the east and north of ancient China; barbarians
犹 yí yóu to hesitate
猶 yí yóu to hesitate
门 yí mén the Yi gate of 大梁, capital of Wei 魏 during Warring states
門 yí mén the Yi gate of 大梁, capital of Wei 魏 during Warring states
陵 yí líng Yiling (barbarian mound), historical place name in Yichang county 宜昌縣|宜昌县 Hubei, first mentioned in history (after its destruction by Qin) as burial place of the former Chu kings; Yiling district of Yichang city 宜昌市[Yi2 chang1 shi4], Hubei
陵区 yí líng qū Yiling district of Yichang city 宜昌市[Yi2 chang1 shi4], Hubei
陵區 yí líng qū Yiling district of Yichang city 宜昌市[Yi2 chang1 shi4], Hubei
履险如 lǚ xiǎn rú yí lit. to make one's way through a dangerous pass as if walking on level ground (idiom); fig. to handle a crisis effortlessly
履險如 lǚ xiǎn rú yí lit. to make one's way through a dangerous pass as if walking on level ground (idiom); fig. to handle a crisis effortlessly
长技以制 shī yí cháng jì yǐ zhì yí "learn from the foreigners in order to gain command of them", idea advocated by Wei Yuan 魏源[Wei4 Yuan2]
長技以制 shī yí cháng jì yǐ zhì yí "learn from the foreigners in order to gain command of them", idea advocated by Wei Yuan 魏源[Wei4 Yuan2]
rǎng yí to repel the barbarians
dōng yí Eastern Barbarians, non-Han tribe living to the east of China c 2200 BC
dōng yí Eastern Barbarians, non-Han tribe living to the east of China c 2200 BC
山 wǔ yí shān Mt Wuyi in Fujian; Wuyishan nature reserve; Wuyishan county level city in Nanping 南平[Nan2 ping2] Fujian
山市 wǔ yí shān shì Wuyishan county level city in Nanping 南平[Nan2 ping2] Fujian
彈 shāo yí dàn fire bomb; incendiary device
sè yí smiling genially; to beam
xiā yí Emishi or Ebisu, ethnic group of ancient Japan, thought to be related to modern Ainus
xiā yí Emishi or Ebisu, ethnic group of ancient Japan, thought to be related to modern Ainus
葱 xiā yí cōng chive
蔥 xiā yí cōng chive
mán yí common term for non-Han peoples in former times, not exclusively derogatory; barbarian
mán yí common term for non-Han peoples in former times, not exclusively derogatory; barbarian