ancient barbarian tribes



  • ancient barbarian tribes
  • non-Han people, esp. to the East of China
  • barbarians
  • to wipe out
  • to exterminate
  • to tear down
  • to raze


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夏威 xià wēi yí Hawaii, US state
为平地 yí wéi píng dì to level; to raze to the ground
所思 fěi yí suǒ sī unimaginable; outrageous; freakish
化险为 huà xiǎn wéi yí to turn peril into safety (idiom); to avert disaster
弹 shāo yí dàn fire bomb; incendiary device
bǐ yí to despise; to look down upon; despicable
教 sān yí jiào the three foreign religions (Nestorianism, Manicheanism and Zoroastrianism)
yǐ yí zhì yí to use foreigners to subdue foreigners (idiom); let the barbarians fight it out among themselves (traditional policy of successive dynasties); Use Western science and technology to counter imperialist encroachment. (late Qing modernizing slogan)
líng yí to deteriorate; to decline; to slump; also written 陵夷
化險為 huà xiǎn wéi yí to turn peril into safety (idiom); to avert disaster
夏威岛 xià wēi yí dǎo Hawaii island
夏威島 xià wēi yí dǎo Hawaii island
夏威州 xià wēi yí zhōu Hawaii, US state
夏威果 xià wēi yí guǒ macadamia nut
夏威火山国家公园 xià wēi yí huǒ shān guó jiā gōng yuán Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
夏威火山國家公園 xià wēi yí huǒ shān guó jiā gōng yuán Hawaii Volcanoes National Park
平 yí píng to level; to raze to the ground
戮 yí lù to massacre
旷 yí kuàng expansive; level and broad; broad-minded
曠 yí kuàng expansive; level and broad; broad-minded
洲 yí zhōu name of an ancient barbarian country, possibly Taiwan
灭 yí miè to massacre; to die out
滅 yí miè to massacre; to die out
為平地 yí wéi píng dì to level; to raze to the ground
然 yí rán calm
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