
report, tell, announce


報 bào
  • to announce
  • to inform
  • report
  • newspaper
  • recompense
  • revenge
  • CL:份[fen4],張|张[zhang1]


年度告 nián dù bào gào annual report
廣州日 guǎng zhōu rì bào Guangzhou Daily
huì bào to report; to give an account of; to collect information and report back; report
kuài bào bulletin board
恩將仇 ēn jiāng chóu bào to bite the hand that feeds one (idiom)
qíng bào information; intelligence
處 qíng bào chù intelligence office; intelligence section
è bào retribution
惡有惡 è yǒu è bào evil has its retribution (idiom); to suffer the consequences of one's bad deeds; sow the wind and reap the whirlwind (Hosea 8:7)
感恩圖 gǎn ēn tú bào grateful and seeking to repay the kindness (idiom)
yìng bào see 報應|报应[bao4 ying4]
chéng bào Sing Pao Daily News
打小告 dǎ xiǎo bào gào (coll.) to tattletale; to rat on sb
打擊復 dǎ jī bào fù to retaliate
投桃李 tóu táo bào lǐ toss a peach, get back a plum (idiom); to return a favor; to exchange gifts; Scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours.
投資回率 tóu zī huí bào lǜ return on investment (ROI)
投資酬率 tóu zī bào chóu lǜ return on investment; rate of return
jié bào report of success; report of a victory
頻傳 jié bào pín chuán victory reports pour in (idiom); news of success in an endless stream
bō bào to announce; to read (the news)
員 bō bào yuán announcer
jù bào it is reported; according to reports
導 jù bào dǎo according to (news) reports
道 jù bào dào according to a report; It is reported that...
shōu bào to receive mail; to receive a telegraph