
report, tell, announce


報 bào
  • to announce
  • to inform
  • report
  • newspaper
  • recompense
  • revenge
  • CL:份[fen4],張|张[zhang1]


館 bào guǎn newspaper office
bì bào wall newspaper
duō bào to overstate
大公 dà gōng bào Dagong Bao, popular newspaper name; Ta Kung Pao, newspaper founded 1902 in Beijing, now published in Hong Kong
大字 dà zì bào big-character poster
大會告起草人 dà huì bào gào qǐ cǎo rén rapporteur
大紀元時 dà jì yuán shí bào Epoch Times, US newspaper
天使喜節 tiān shǐ bào xǐ jié Annunciation (Christian festival on 25th March); Lady day
天氣預 tiān qì yù bào weather forecast
太陽 tài yáng bào The Sun (the name of various newspapers, notably in the UK and in Hong Kong)
jì bào quarterly report
xué bào a scholarly journal; Journal, Bulletin etc
學習時 xué xí shí bào Study Times, journal of the Central Party School 中央黨校|中央党校[Zhong1 yang1 Dang3 xiao4]
niè bào bad karma
私仇 guān bào sī chóu to take advantage of official post for personal revenge (idiom)
mì bào secret report
密碼電 mì mǎ diàn bào coded telegram; ciphered cable
實銷 shí bào shí xiāo to be reimbursed for actual expenses
專題導 zhuān tí bào dǎo special report (in the media)
dǎo bào guide (used in newspaper names)
xiǎo bào tabloid newspaper
céng bào to report to higher authorities through layers of hierarchy
工人日 gōng rén rì bào Workers' Daily, www.grrb.com.cn
工作告 gōng zuò bào gào working report; operating report
nián bào annual report