
report, tell, announce


報 bào
  • to announce
  • to inform
  • report
  • newspaper
  • recompense
  • revenge
  • CL:份[fen4],張|张[zhang1]


shàng bào to report to one's superiors; to appear in the news; to reply to a letter
世界 shì jiè bào the name of various newspapers, notably Le Monde (France), El Mundo (Spain) and Die Welt (Germany)
世界日 shì jiè rì bào World Journal, US newspaper
中國日 zhōng guó rì bào China Daily (an English language newspaper)
中國時 zhōng guó shí bào China Times (newspaper)
中國經營 zhōng guó jīng yíng bào China Business (a Beijing newspaper)
中國證券 zhōng guó zhèng quàn bào China Securities Journal
中國青年 zhōng guó qīng nián bào China Youth Daily, www.cyol.net
中央情局 zhōng yāng qíng bào jú US Central Intelligence Agency, CIA
中央日 zhōng yāng rì bào Central Daily News
jīng bào Peking Gazette (official government bulletin)
京華時 jīng huá shí bào Beijing Times (newspaper)
京郊日 jīng jiāo rì bào Beijing Suburbs Daily (newspaper), ben.com.cn
人民日 rén mín rì bào People's Daily (PRC newspaper)
以德怨 yǐ dé bào yuàn to return good for evil (idiom); to requite evil with good
以直怨,以德德 yǐ zhí bào yuàn , yǐ dé bào dé to repay kindness with kindness, and repay enmity with justice (idiom, from Analects)
以身國 yǐ shēn bào guó to give one's body for the nation (idiom); to spend one's whole life in the service of the country
xìn bào abbr. for 信報財經新聞|信报财经新闻, Hong Kong Economic Journal
財經新聞 xìn bào cái jīng xīn wén Hong Kong Economic Journal
告 jiǎ bào gào false report; forgery; fabricated declaration (e.g. income tax return)
chuán bào notification; memorial
傳真電 chuán zhēn diàn bào phototelegram
光明日 guāng míng rì bào Guangming Daily, a Beijing newspaper
gōng bào announcement; bulletin; communique
私仇 gōng bào sī chóu to use public office to avenge private wrongs
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