
fine dust, dirt



埃 āi
  • abbr. for Egypt 埃及[Ai1 ji2]
  • dust
  • dirt
  • angstrom
  • phonetic ai or e


埃 stroke order diagram
埃 stroke order animation


兹巴伯 bǐ āi zī bā bó Beelzebub
茲巴伯 bǐ āi zī bā bó Beelzebub
juān āi tiny stream of dust; tiny things; negligible
之力 juān āi zhī lì negligible force (idiom); tiny force
满身尘 mǎn shēn chén āi dusty
滿身塵 mǎn shēn chén āi dusty
特鲁尔 tè lǔ āi ěr Tergüel or Teruel, Spain
特魯爾 tè lǔ āi ěr Tergüel or Teruel, Spain
爾 pí āi ěr Pierre (name)
niǔ āi Niue (island)
圣皮尔和密克隆 shèng pí āi ěr hé mì kè lóng Saint-Pierre and Miquelon
聖皮爾和密克隆 shèng pí āi ěr hé mì kè lóng Saint-Pierre and Miquelon
艾玛纽尔 ài mǎ niǔ āi ěr Emmanuel or Emmanuelle (name)
艾瑪紐爾 ài mǎ niǔ āi ěr Emmanuel or Emmanuelle (name)
蘇維 sū wéi āi Soviet (council)
苏维俄国 sū wéi āi é guó Soviet Russia (1917-1991)
蘇維俄國 sū wéi āi é guó Soviet Russia (1917-1991)
苏维社会主义共和国联盟 sū wéi āi shè huì zhǔ yì gòng hé guó lián méng Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), 1922-1991; abbr. to 蘇聯|苏联[Su1 lian2] Soviet Union
蘇維社會主義共和國聯盟 sū wéi āi shè huì zhǔ yì gòng hé guó lián méng Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), 1922-1991; abbr. to 蘇聯|苏联[Su1 lian2] Soviet Union
苏联最高苏维 sū lián zuì gāo sū wéi āi Supreme Soviet
蘇聯最高蘇維 sū lián zuì gāo sū wéi āi Supreme Soviet
路易・皮尔・阿尔都塞 lù yì ・ pí āi ěr ・ ā ěr dōu sāi Louis Pierre Althusser (1918-1990), Marxist philosopher
路易・皮爾・阿爾都塞 lù yì ・ pí āi ěr ・ ā ěr dōu sāi Louis Pierre Althusser (1918-1990), Marxist philosopher
里維拉 lǐ wéi āi lā riviera (loanword)
鲍狄 bào dí āi Eugène Edine Pottier (1816-1887), French revolutionary socialist and poet