
fine dust, dirt



埃 āi
  • abbr. for Egypt 埃及[Ai1 ji2]
  • dust
  • dirt
  • angstrom
  • phonetic ai or e


埃 stroke order diagram
埃 stroke order animation


拉特 āi lā tè Eilat, Israeli port and resort on the Red sea
叙 āi xù Egypt-Syria
敘 āi xù Egypt-Syria
文河畔斯特拉特福 āi wén hé pàn sī tè lā tè fú Stratford-upon-Avon
文茅斯 āi wén máo sī Avonmouth in southwest England; same as the Bristol channel 布里斯托爾海峽|布里斯托尔海峡[Bu4 li3 si1 tuo1 er3 hai3 xia2]
斯库多 āi sī kù duō escudo (Spanish and Portugese: shield), former currency of Portugal and other countries
斯庫多 āi sī kù duō escudo (Spanish and Portugese: shield), former currency of Portugal and other countries
斯庫羅斯 āi sī kù luó sī Aeschylus (c. 524 BC -c. 455 BC), Greek tragedian, author of The Persians, Seven against Thebes etc
斯特哈齐 āi sī tè hā qí Esterhazy (name)
斯特哈齊 āi sī tè hā qí Esterhazy (name)
斯特朗 āi sī tè lǎng Anders Jonas Angstrom or Ångström (1814-1874), Swedish physicist
格尔松 āi gé ěr sōng Egersund (city in Norway)
格爾松 āi gé ěr sōng Egersund (city in Norway)
森 āi sēn Essen, city in the Ruhr 魯爾區|鲁尔区[Lu3 er3 Qu1], Germany
森哲 āi sēn zhé Accenture (company)
森纳赫 āi sēn nà hè Eisenach (German city)
森納赫 āi sēn nà hè Eisenach (German city)
涅阿斯纪 āi niè ā sī jì Virgil's Aeneid (epic about the foundation of Rome)
涅阿斯紀 āi niè ā sī jì Virgil's Aeneid (epic about the foundation of Rome)
爾南德斯 āi ěr nán dé sī Hernández (name)
尔多安 āi ěr duō ān Erdogan (name); Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (1954-), Turkish politician, prime minister from 2003
爾多安 āi ěr duō ān Erdogan (name); Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (1954-), Turkish politician, prime minister from 2003
爾帕索 āi ěr pà suǒ El Paso (Texas)
尔朗根 āi ěr lǎng gēn Erlangen (town in Bavaria)
爾朗根 āi ěr lǎng gēn Erlangen (town in Bavaria)