
pit, hole; bury, trap; harry

HSK 6 #2242


坑 kēng
  • hole
  • pit
  • tunnel
  • to defraud
  • variant of 坑[keng1]


坑 stroke order diagram
坑 stroke order animation


鄉 gǔ kēng xiāng Gukeng or Kukeng township in Yunlin county 雲林縣|云林县[Yun2 lin2 xian4], Taiwan
井 kēng jǐng (mine) galleries and pits
口 kēng kǒu Hang Hau (area in Hong Kong)
坎 kēng kǎn uneven (road); depression (in terrain)
窪窪 kēng keng wā wā bumpy; full of potholes
害 kēng hài to trap; to frame
木 kēng mù pit prop
杀 kēng shā to bury alive; to ensnare
殺 kēng shā to bury alive; to ensnare
爹 kēng diē (Internet slang) dishonest; fraudulent; deceptive
窪 kēng wā pothole; dip in the road
蒙 kēng mēng to swindle
蒙拐骗 kēng mēng guǎi piàn to swindle; to cheat
蒙拐騙 kēng mēng guǎi piàn to swindle; to cheat
騙 kēng piàn to cheat; to swindle
jī kēng foundation groove; trench for building foundation
夯土层 mù kēng hāng tǔ céng layer filled with rammed earth in a tomb pit (archeology)
夯土層 mù kēng hāng tǔ céng layer filled with rammed earth in a tomb pit (archeology)
dà kēng Tai Hang District, Hong Kong
dàn kēng bomb crater
撞击 zhuàng jī kēng impact crater
撞擊 zhuàng jī kēng impact crater
散兵 sǎn bīng kēng foxhole (military)
yuè kēng lunar crater
máo kēng variant of 茅坑[mao2 keng1]