
pit, hole; snare, trap; crisis



坎 kǎn
  • pit
  • threshold
  • one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦[ba1 gua4], symbolizing water
  • old variant of 坎[kan3]
  • hole


坎 stroke order diagram
坎 stroke order animation


塔布連山脈 kǎn tǎ bù lián shān mài Cantabrian mountain range in north Spain dividing Asturias from Castilla-Leon
塔布连海 kǎn tǎ bù lián hǎi Bay of Biscay (Spanish: Mare Cantabrico)
塔布連海 kǎn tǎ bù lián hǎi Bay of Biscay (Spanish: Mare Cantabrico)
塔布里亚 kǎn tǎ bù lǐ yà Cantabria, Spanish autonomous region, capital Santander 桑坦德[Sang1 tan3 de2]
塔布里亞 kǎn tǎ bù lǐ yà Cantabria, Spanish autonomous region, capital Santander 桑坦德[Sang1 tan3 de2]
𡒄 kǎn lǎn to meet with misfortune
壈 kǎn lǎn to meet with misfortune
大哈省 kǎn dà hā shěng Kandahar province of Afghanistan
子 kǎn zi raised ground; bank
德拉 kǎn dé lā candela (unit of luminosity); standard candle
昆 kǎn kūn Cancún
特伯雷故事集 kǎn tè bó léi gù shì jí The Canterbury Tales, collection of stories by Geoffrey Chaucer 喬叟|乔叟[Qiao2 sou3]
肩儿 kǎn jiān r erhua variant of 坎肩[kan3 jian1]
肩兒 kǎn jiān r erhua variant of 坎肩[kan3 jian1]
貝爾 kǎn bèi ěr Campbell (name)
贝尔侏儒仓鼠 kǎn bèi ěr zhū rú cāng shǔ Campbell's dwarf hamster (Phodopus campbelli)
貝爾侏儒倉鼠 kǎn bèi ěr zhū rú cāng shǔ Campbell's dwarf hamster (Phodopus campbelli)
kēng kǎn uneven (road); depression (in terrain)
yóu kǎn Rjukan (city in Norway)
chì kǎn Chikan district of Zhanjiang city 湛江市[Zhan4 jiang1 shi4], Guangdong
区 chì kǎn qū Chikan district of Zhanjiang city 湛江市[Zhan4 jiang1 shi4], Guangdong
區 chì kǎn qū Chikan district of Zhanjiang city 湛江市[Zhan4 jiang1 shi4], Guangdong
mén kǎn variant of 門檻|门槛[men2 kan3]
mén kǎn variant of 門檻|门槛[men2 kan3]
儿 mén kǎn r erhua variant of 門坎|门坎[men2 kan3]