
pit, hole; snare, trap; crisis



坎 kǎn
  • pit
  • threshold
  • one of the Eight Trigrams 八卦[ba1 gua4], symbolizing water
  • old variant of 坎[kan3]
  • hole


坎 stroke order diagram
坎 stroke order animation


南 bù kǎn nán Buchanan (surname)
贝尔 kǎn bèi ěr Campbell (name)
坷 kǎn kě bumpy (of a road); rough (of life); to be down on one's luck; to be full of frustrations and dashed hopes
大哈 kǎn dà hā Kandahar (town in Southern Afghanistan)
特伯雷 kǎn tè bó léi Canterbury
儿 kǎn r critical juncture; key moment
肩 kǎn jiān sleeveless jacket (usually cotton); Chinese waistcoat
帕拉 kǎn pà lā Kampala, capital of Uganda
坷不平 kǎn kě bù píng potholed and bumpy road (idiom); fig. full of disappointment and dashed hopes
xīn kǎn bottom of one's heart
阿利特 ā lì kǎn tè Alicante
命途坷 mìng tú kǎn kě to have a tough life; to meet much adversity in one's life
tǔ kǎn earthen levee
儿 tǔ kǎn r erhua variant of 土坎[tu3 kan3]
兒 tǔ kǎn r erhua variant of 土坎[tu3 kan3]
兒 kǎn r critical juncture; key moment
儿井 kǎn r jǐng karez, qanat or "horizontal well" (irrigation and water management system used in Xinjiang, Central Asia and Middle East)
兒井 kǎn r jǐng karez, qanat or "horizontal well" (irrigation and water management system used in Xinjiang, Central Asia and Middle East)
kǎn kǎn (dialect) just now
坷多舛 kǎn kě duō chuǎn full of trouble and misfortune (usu. referring to someone's life)
城 kǎn chéng Cannes, France (Tw)
培拉 kǎn péi lā Canberra, capital of Australia (Tw)
塔布连 kǎn tǎ bù lián Cantabria in north Spain
塔布連 kǎn tǎ bù lián Cantabria in north Spain
塔布连山脉 kǎn tǎ bù lián shān mài Cantabrian mountain range in north Spain dividing Asturias from Castilla-Leon
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