chǎng cháng

open space, field, market

HSK 2 #249


场 chǎng
  • large place used for a specific purpose
  • stage
  • scene (of a play)
  • classifier for sporting or recreational activities
  • classifier for number of exams
  • variant of 場|场[chang3]
场 cháng
  • threshing floor
  • classifier for events and happenings: spell, episode, bout
  • variant of 場|场[chang2]


场 stroke order diagram
场 stroke order animation


zhuān chǎng special performance
yù chǎng bathing spot
guò chǎng interlude; to cross the stage; to do sth as a mere formality; to go through the motions
xíng chǎng execution ground; gallows; scaffold
重力 zhòng lì chǎng gravitational field
价 shì chǎng jià market price
费 rù chǎng fèi admission fee
lěng chǎng stage wait; (fig.) awkward silence
大农 dà nóng chǎng ranch
走过 zǒu guò chǎng to go through the motions
yuán chǎng to mediate; to broker a compromise
pái chang ostentation; a show of extravagance; grand style; red tape
菜市 cài shì chǎng food market
农贸市 nóng mào shì chǎng farmer's market
diàn chǎng electric field
yè chǎng evening show (at theater etc)
sàn chǎng (of a theater) to empty; (of a show) to end
yú chǎng fishing ground
wéi chǎng Weichang Manchu and Mongol autonomous county in Chengde 承德[Cheng2 de2], Hebei; enclosure; pig pen; hunting ground exclusively kept for emperor or nobility (in former times)
自由市 zì yóu shì chǎng free market
dǎ cháng to thresh grain (on the floor)
rì chǎng daytime show; matinee
试验 shì yàn chǎng experimental station
次 chǎng cì the number of showings of a movie, play etc; screening; performance
冰球 bīng qiú chǎng ice hockey rink