chǎng cháng

open space, field, market

HSK 2 #249


场 chǎng
  • large place used for a specific purpose
  • stage
  • scene (of a play)
  • classifier for sporting or recreational activities
  • classifier for number of exams
  • variant of 場|场[chang3]
场 cháng
  • threshing floor
  • classifier for events and happenings: spell, episode, bout
  • variant of 場|场[chang2]


场 stroke order diagram
场 stroke order animation


欧洲共同市 ōu zhōu gòng tóng shì chǎng European common market (old term for EU, European Union)
比赛 bǐ sài chǎng stadium; playing field for a competition
qì cháng qi field (qigong); aura; atmosphere
水球 shuǐ qiú chǎng water polo pool
法兰西体育 fǎ lán xī tǐ yù chǎng Stade de France
恶少 yáng chǎng è shào city infested with foreign adventurers (esp. of Shanghai in pre-Liberation China) (idiom)
洗消 xǐ xiāo chǎng decontaminating field
派上用 pài shàng yòng chǎng to put to good use; to come in handy
浦东机 pǔ dōng jī chǎng Pudong Airport (Shanghai)
海星机 hǎi xīng jī chǎng nickname of Beijing Daxing International Airport 北京大興國際機場|北京大兴国际机场[Bei3 jing1 Da4 xing1 Guo2 ji4 Ji1 chang3], whose terminal building looks like a giant alien starfish
qīng chǎng to clear (a place); to evacuate
一致 mǎn chǎng yī zhì unanimous
澳门国际机 ào mén guó jì jī chǎng Macau International Airport
留守分队 huǒ chǎng liú shǒu fēn duì detachment left to provide covering fire
zāi chǎng disaster area; scene of accident
烟花 yān huā chǎng brothel (esp. in Yuan theater)
特拉法加广 tè lā fǎ jiā guǎng chǎng Trafalgar Square (London)
特拉法尔加广 tè lā fǎ ěr jiā guǎng chǎng Trafalgar Square (London)
犯罪现 fàn zuì xiàn chǎng scene of the crime
独揽市 dú lǎn shì chǎng to monopolize a market
报道 xiàn chǎng bào dào on-the-spot report
投注 xiàn chǎng tóu zhù live betting
采访 xiàn chǎng cǎi fǎng on-the-spot interview
会议 xiàn chǎng huì yì on-the-spot meeting
直播 xiàn chǎng zhí bō on-the-spot live broadcast