
circle; round, circular; complete


  • circle
  • round, circular
  • complete
  • circle
  • round
  • circular
  • spherical
  • (of the moon) full
  • unit of Chinese currency (yuan)
  • tactful
  • to make consistent and whole (the narrative of a dream or a lie)


hún yuán perfectly round; (fig.) accommodating; considerate; smooth (way of doing things)
tāng yuán boiled balls of glutinous rice flour, eaten during the Lantern Festival
liū yuán perfectly round
滴溜 dī liū yuán completely round
gǔn yuán as round as a ball
滾瓜溜 gǔn guā liū yuán (of animals) round and fat
無晶 wú jīng yuán fabless (semiconductor company)
瓜無滾,人無十全 guā wú gǔn yuán , rén wú shí quán no gourd is perfectly round, just as no man is perfect (proverb)
huà yuán to draw a circle
白額尾鸌 bái é yuán wěi hù (bird species of China) bonin petrel (Pterodroma hypoleuca)
破鏡重 pò jìng chóng yuán a shattered mirror put back together (idiom); (of marriage) to pick up the pieces and start anew; for a separated couple to reconcile and reunite
線蟲 guǎn yuán xiàn chóng "eel worm", a parasitic worm carrying meningitis
fěn yuán tapioca ball
měi yuán US dollar
膀大腰 bǎng dà yāo yuán tall and strong; burly; beefy
其說 zì yuán qí shuō to make a story or theory consistent; to give a plausible explanation; to plug the holes in one's story
yù yuán taro ball (Taiwanese dessert)
花好月 huā hǎo yuè yuán lit. lovely flowers, round moon (idiom); fig. everything is wonderful; perfect happiness; conjugal bliss
場 zǒu yuán chǎng to walk around the stage (to indicate scene changes)
券 jīn yuán quàn currency issued by Nationalist Government in 1948
鉤嘴尾鸌 gōu zuǐ yuán wěi hù (bird species of China) Tahiti petrel (Pterodroma rostrata)
yín yuán flat silver (former coinage); also written 銀元|银元; silver dollar
關金 guān jīn yuán Chinese customs gold unit, currency used in China between 1930 and 1948
鋸 diàn yuán jù circular saw
hán yuán Korean won (unit of currency)