
elder brother

HSK 2 #804


哥 gē
  • elder brother


哥 stroke order diagram
哥 stroke order animation


罗芳 gē luó fāng chloroform CHCl3 (loanword); trichloromethane
羅芳 gē luó fāng chloroform CHCl3 (loanword); trichloromethane
老会 gē lǎo huì late-Qing underground resistance movement against the Qing dynasty
老會 gē lǎo huì late-Qing underground resistance movement against the Qing dynasty
薩克 gē sà kè Cossack (people)
维亚 sè gē wéi yà Segovia, Spain
維亞 sè gē wéi yà Segovia, Spain
墨西卷饼 mò xī gē juǎn bǐng taco; burrito
墨西捲餅 mò xī gē juǎn bǐng taco; burrito
墨西灣 mò xī gē wān Gulf of Mexico
墨西辣椒 mò xī gē là jiāo jalapeño
大拇 dà mǔ gē thumb; big toe; USB flash drive
家八 jiā bā gē (bird species of China) common myna (Acridotheres tristis)
底母 ní gē dǐ mǔ Nicodemus, prominent Jew of the time of Christ, mentioned in the Gospel of John
bā gē pug (breed of dog)
犬 bā gē quǎn pug (breed of dog)
shuài gē handsome guy; lady-killer; handsome (form of address)
摩納 mó nà gē Monaco
斯德爾摩 sī dé gē ěr mó Stockholm, capital of Sweden
林八 lín bā gē (bird species of China) great myna (Acridotheres grandis)
柏青 bó qīng gē pachinko (loanword) (Tw)
柬吴王朝 jiǎn wú gē wáng cháo Ankor Dynasty of Cambodia, 802-1431
柬吳王朝 jiǎn wú gē wáng cháo Ankor Dynasty of Cambodia, 802-1431
波士尼亚与赫塞维纳 bō shì ní yà yǔ hè sè gē wéi nà Bosnia and Herzegovina (Tw)
波士尼亞與赫塞維納 bō shì ní yà yǔ hè sè gē wéi nà Bosnia and Herzegovina (Tw)