
elder brother

HSK 2 #804


哥 gē
  • elder brother


哥 stroke order diagram
哥 stroke order animation


倫布 gē lún bù Cristóbal Colón or Christopher Columbus (1451-1506); Columbus, capital of Ohio
伦布纪 gē lún bù jì Columbus
倫布紀 gē lún bù jì Columbus
倫比亞 gē lún bǐ yà Colombia; Columbia (District of, or University etc)
伦比亚大学 gē lún bǐ yà dà xué Columbia University
倫比亞大學 gē lún bǐ yà dà xué Columbia University
伦比亚广播公司 gē lún bǐ yà guǎng bō gōng sī Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)
倫比亞廣播公司 gē lún bǐ yà guǎng bō gōng sī Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS)
伦比亚特区 gē lún bǐ yà tè qū District of Columbia, USA
倫比亞特區 gē lún bǐ yà tè qū District of Columbia, USA
兒 gē r brothers; boys
利亞 gē lì yà Goliath
大 gē dà Columbia University (abbr.)
尼斯堡 gē ní sī bǎo (until WWII) Königsberg, capital of East Prussia on the Baltic; (since WWII) Kaliningrad, Russian Republic
德堡 gē dé bǎo Gothenburg (city in Sweden)
德巴赫猜想 gē dé bā hè cāi xiǎng the Goldbach conjecture in number theory
打巴鲁 gē dǎ bā lǔ Kota Bharu, city in Malaysia on border with Thailand, capital of Kelantan sultanate
打巴魯 gē dǎ bā lǔ Kota Bharu, city in Malaysia on border with Thailand, capital of Kelantan sultanate
斯大黎加 gē sī dà lí jiā Costa Rica (Tw)
斯達黎加 gē sī dá lí jiā Costa Rica
林多前书 gē lín duō qián shū First epistle of St Paul to the Corinthians
林多前書 gē lín duō qián shū First epistle of St Paul to the Corinthians
林多后书 gē lín duō hòu shū Second epistle of St Paul to the Corinthians
林多後書 gē lín duō hòu shū Second epistle of St Paul to the Corinthians
特人 gē tè rén Goth (e.g. Ostrogoth or Visigoth)