HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 507th character |
RADICAL | ⼛ (28.6) |
INDEX # | 1334 |
take part in, intervene; ginseng
参 cān |
参 shēn |

参加 cān jiā | to participate; to take part; to join |
参观 cān guān | to look around; to tour; to visit |
参与 cān yù | to participate (in sth) |
参考 cān kǎo | consultation; reference; to consult; to refer |
参照 cān zhào | to consult a reference; to refer to (another document) |
参谋 cān móu | staff officer; to give advice |
参议员 cān yì yuán | senator |
参赛 cān sài | to compete; to take part in a competition |
参赛者 cān sài zhě | competitor; CL:名[ming2] |
参军 cān jūn | to join the army |
参议院 cān yì yuàn | senate; upper chamber (of legislative assembly) |
参选 cān xuǎn | to be a candidate in an election or other selection process; to run for office; to turn out to vote |
参战 cān zhàn | to go to war; to engage in war |
参谋长 cān móu zhǎng | chief of staff |
参数 cān shù | parameter |
参见 cān jiàn | to refer to; see also; compare (cf.); to pay respect to |
参与者 cān yù zhě | participant |
人参 rén shēn | ginseng |
参半 cān bàn | half; half and half; both ... and ...; just as much ... as ...; equally |
总参谋长 zǒng cān móu zhǎng | (military) Chief of Staff |
参拜 cān bài | to formally call on; to worship (a God); to pay homage to sb |
海参崴 hǎi shēn wǎi | Vladivostok; Ming and Qing name for Vladivostok 符拉迪沃斯托克 and the province around it |
参政 cān zhèng | to be involved in politics; participation in politics |
参考书 cān kǎo shū | reference book |
海参 hǎi shēn | sea cucumber |