
take part in, intervene; ginseng

HSK 3 #507


参 cān
  • to take part in
  • to participate
  • to join
  • to attend
  • to counsel
  • unequal
  • varied
  • irregular
  • uneven
  • not uniform
  • abbr. for 參議院|参议院 Senate, Upper House
  • old variant of 參|参[can1]
参 shēn
  • ginseng
  • one of the 28 constellations
  • variant of 參|参[shen1]


参 stroke order diagram
参 stroke order animation


喜忧半 xǐ yōu cān bàn to have mixed feelings (about sth)
加者 cān jiā zhě participant
展 cān zhǎn to exhibit at or take part in a trade show etc
dān shēn Salvia miltiorrhiza
差 cēn cī uneven; jagged; snaggletooth; ragged; serrated
看 cān kàn see also; please refer to; compare (cf.); to consult for reference
阅 cān yuè to consult; to refer to; to read (instructions)
谋部 zǒng cān móu bù (military) General Staff Headquarters
差不齐 cēn cī bù qí (idiom) variable; uneven; irregular
高丽 gāo lí shēn Koryo ginseng
赞 cān zàn diplomatic officer; attache
天 cān tiān reach high to the sky; tall; of great height
照系 cān zhào xì frame of reference; coordinate frame (math.)
院 cān yuàn abbr. for 參議院|参议院[can1 yi4 yuan4], senate; upper chamber (of legislative assembly)
考系 cān kǎo xì frame of reference
股 cān gǔ equity participation (finance)
议 cān yì consultant; adviser
预 cān yù variant of 參與|参与[can1 yu4]
kǔ shēn liquorice (Sophora flavescens), with roots used in TCM
chuán cān to pass an argument (computing); abbr. for 傳遞參數|传递参数[chuan2 di4 can1 shu4]
仅作考 jǐn zuò cān kǎo for reference only
仅供考 jǐn gōng cān kǎo for reference only
nèi cān restricted document, available only to certain individuals such as high-ranking Party officials (abbr. for 內部參考|内部参考); (literary) palace eunuch
两院 cān liǎng yuàn both houses of US Congress
劾 cān hé to accuse; to impeach; (in imperial China) to level charges against an official