go away, leave, depart

HSK 1 #64


去 qù
  • to go
  • to go to (a place)
  • (of a time etc) last
  • just passed
  • to send
  • to remove
  • to get rid of
  • to reduce
  • to be apart from in space or time
  • to die (euphemism)
  • to play (a part)
  • (when used either before or after a verb) to go in order to do sth
  • (after a verb of motion indicates movement away from the speaker)
  • (used after certain verbs to indicate detachment or separation)


去 stroke order diagram
去 stroke order animation


一來二 yī lái èr qù gradually; little by little; in the course of time
不回 yī qù bù huí gone forever
不復返 yī qù bù fù fǎn gone forever
无影踪 yī qù wú yǐng zōng gone without a trace
無影蹤 yī qù wú yǐng zōng gone without a trace
一眼望 yī yǎn wàng qù as far as the eye can see
理 bù qù lǐ not to pay attention to; to leave sth as it is; to ignore
也好不到哪里 yě hǎo bù dào nǎ lǐ qù just as bad; not much better
也好不到哪裡 yě hǎo bù dào nǎ lǐ qù just as bad; not much better
了 le qù le (coll.) (after adjectives such as 多, 大, 远, 高) very; extremely
樓空 rén qù lóu kōng the people are gone and the place is empty (idiom); the sight of a deserted place brings old friends to mind; the place is deserted; the birds have flown
xiān qù to become an immortal; (fig.) to die
zhàn qù to take up (one's time etc); to occupy (one's attention etc); to account for (a proportion of sth)
zhàn qù to take up (one's time etc); to occupy (one's attention etc); to account for (a proportion of sth)
何從 hé qù hé cóng what course to follow; what path to take
无踪 lái qù wú zōng come without a shadow, leave without a footprint (idiom); to come and leave without a trace
無蹤 lái qù wú zōng come without a shadow, leave without a footprint (idiom); to come and leave without a trace
来回来 lái huí lái qù repeatedly; back and forth again and again
來回來 lái huí lái qù repeatedly; back and forth again and again
来回来地 lái huí lái qù de backwards and forwards
來回來地 lái huí lái qù de backwards and forwards
来得容易,得快 lái de róng yì , qù de kuài Easy come, easy go. (idiom)
來得容易,得快 lái de róng yì , qù de kuài Easy come, easy go. (idiom)
来无影,无踪 lái wú yǐng , qù wú zōng lit. come without a shadow, leave without a footprint (idiom); to come and go without a trace
來無影,無蹤 lái wú yǐng , qù wú zōng lit. come without a shadow, leave without a footprint (idiom); to come and go without a trace