
egg; ovum; roe; spawn



卵 luǎn
  • egg
  • ovum
  • spawn
  • (coll.) testicles
  • (old) penis
  • (expletive) fucking


卵 stroke order diagram
卵 stroke order animation


yì luǎn (of twins) fraternal; dizygotic
双胞胎 yì luǎn shuāng bāo tāi fraternal twins
雙胞胎 yì luǎn shuāng bāo tāi fraternal twins
黄管 zǒng luǎn huáng guǎn common vitelline duct
黃管 zǒng luǎn huáng guǎn common vitelline duct
覆巢之下无完 fù cháo zhī xià wú wán luǎn lit. when the nest is upset no egg is left intact (idiom); fig. when one falls in disgrace the whole family is doomed
覆巢之下無完 fù cháo zhī xià wú wán luǎn lit. when the nest is upset no egg is left intact (idiom); fig. when one falls in disgrace the whole family is doomed
覆巢无完 fù cháo wú wán luǎn lit. when the nest overturns no egg remains intact; no member escapes unscathed from a family disaster (idiom)
覆巢無完 fù cháo wú wán luǎn lit. when the nest overturns no egg remains intact; no member escapes unscathed from a family disaster (idiom)
管 shū luǎn guǎn Fallopian tube; oviduct
石 é luǎn shí pebble; cobblestone