
egg; ovum; roe; spawn



卵 luǎn
  • egg
  • ovum
  • spawn
  • (coll.) testicles
  • (old) penis
  • (expletive) fucking


卵 stroke order diagram
卵 stroke order animation


母细胞 luǎn mǔ xì bāo egg cell
母細胞 luǎn mǔ xì bāo egg cell
用鸡 luǎn yòng jī laying hen
用雞 luǎn yòng jī laying hen
磷脂 luǎn lín zhī lecithin (phospholipid found in egg yolk)
精巢 luǎn jīng cháo ovaries and testes
裂 luǎn liè cleavage of fertilized ovum into cells
黄 luǎn huáng egg yolk
黃 luǎn huáng egg yolk
黄囊 luǎn huáng náng yolk sac (ectodermal cells attaching fetus to uterus before the development of the placenta)
黃囊 luǎn huáng náng yolk sac (ectodermal cells attaching fetus to uterus before the development of the placenta)
黄管 luǎn huáng guǎn vitelline duct
黃管 luǎn huáng guǎn vitelline duct
黄腺 luǎn huáng xiàn vitelline glands; vitellaria (in biology)
黃腺 luǎn huáng xiàn vitelline glands; vitellaria (in biology)
tóng luǎn (of twins) identical; monozygotic
双胞胎 tóng luǎn shuāng bāo tāi identical twins
雙胞胎 tóng luǎn shuāng bāo tāi identical twins
杀鸡取 shā jī qǔ luǎn lit. to kill the chicken to get the eggs (idiom); fig. to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs
殺雞取 shā jī qǔ luǎn lit. to kill the chicken to get the eggs (idiom); fig. to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs
石 hé luǎn shí pebble
然并 rán bìng luǎn (Internet slang) ultimately useless
然並 rán bìng luǎn (Internet slang) ultimately useless
chǎn luǎn to lay eggs
yì luǎn (of twins) fraternal; dizygotic