
egg; ovum; roe; spawn



卵 luǎn
  • egg
  • ovum
  • spawn
  • (coll.) testicles
  • (old) penis
  • (expletive) fucking


卵 stroke order diagram
卵 stroke order animation


子 luǎn zǐ ovum
子 luǎn zi testicles; penis
巢 luǎn cháo ovary
chǎn luǎn to lay eggs
pái luǎn to ovulate
石 é luǎn shí pebble; cobblestone
受精 shòu jīng luǎn fertilized ovum
管 shū luǎn guǎn Fallopian tube; oviduct
石 luǎn shí cobble; pebble
泡 luǎn pào follicle
fū luǎn to hatch; to brood
事危累 shì wēi lěi luǎn lit. the matter has become a pile of eggs (idiom); fig. at a critical juncture
击石 yǐ luǎn jī shí lit. to strike a stone with egg (idiom); to attempt the impossible; to invite disaster by overreaching oneself
擊石 yǐ luǎn jī shí lit. to strike a stone with egg (idiom); to attempt the impossible; to invite disaster by overreaching oneself
危如累 wēi rú lěi luǎn precarious as pile of eggs (idiom); ready to fall and break at any moment; in a dangerous state
圆 luǎn yuán oval; ellipse
圓 luǎn yuán oval; ellipse
圆形 luǎn yuán xíng oval; ellipsoidal
圓形 luǎn yuán xíng oval; ellipsoidal
圆窗 luǎn yuán chuāng oval window between middle and inner ear
圓窗 luǎn yuán chuāng oval window between middle and inner ear
巢窝 luǎn cháo wō ovary
巢窩 luǎn cháo wō ovary
形 luǎn xíng oval; egg-shaped (leaves in botany)
模 luǎn mó ootype (site of egg composition in flatworm biology)
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