kuì guì

to lack



匮 kuì
  • surname Kui
  • to lack
  • lacking
  • empty
  • exhausted
匮 guì
  • variant of 櫃|柜[gui4]


匮 stroke order diagram
匮 stroke order animation


乏 kuì fá to be deficient in sth; to be short of sth (supplies, money etc)
不俭则 bù jiǎn zé kuì wastage makes one destitute (idiom)
bù kuì endlessly; without ceasing
俭以防 jiǎn yǐ fáng kuì frugality in order to prevent destitution (idiom)
勤则不 qín zé bù kuì If one is industrious, one will not be in want. (idiom)
勤劳不虞乏 qín láo bù yú kuì fá Poverty is a stranger to industry. (idiom)
竭 kuì jié exhausted
缺 kuì quē to be deficient in sth; to be short of sth (supplies, money etc)
孝思不 xiào sī bù kuì to be forever filial (idiom)
xù kuì to relieve the distressed
无虞乏 wú yú kuì fá no fear of deficiency; sufficient; abundant
pí kuì tired; weary
kòng kuì scarce; poor
jiǒng kuì destitute; impoverished
qióng kuì to be short of sth; to be wanting in sth
囊空 sì kuì náng kōng extremely destitute (idiom)
qìng kuì used-up; exhausted
语言乏 yǔ yán kuì fá language deficit (linguistics)
jīn guì variant of 金櫃|金柜[jin1 gui4]
石室 jīn guì shí shì variant of 金櫃石室|金柜石室[jin1 gui4 shi2 shi4]
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