jiang jiàng

craftsman, artisan; workman



匠 jiàng
  • craftsman


匠 stroke order diagram
匠 stroke order animation


tiě jiang blacksmith; ironworker
mù jiàng carpenter
xié jiang shoemaker; cobbler
gōng jiàng artisan; smith
suǒ jiang locksmith
huā jiàng gardener
pí jiang cobbler
shí jiàng stonemason
jù jiàng great master (of literature, music etc)
泥瓦 ní wǎ jiàng bricklayer; tiler; mason
泥水 ní shuǐ jiàng mason
wǎ jiang bricklayer; tiler
教书 jiāo shū jiàng hack teacher; pedagogue
yín jiàng silversmith
qiǎo jiàng skilled workman
箍桶 gū tǒng jiàng cooper; hooper
三个臭皮,胜过一个诸葛亮 sān gè chòu pí jiang , shèng guò yī gè zhū gě liàng variant of 三個臭皮匠,賽過一個諸葛亮|三个臭皮匠,赛过一个诸葛亮[san1 ge4 chou4 pi2 jiang5 , sai4 guo4 yi1 ge4 Zhu1 ge3 Liang4]
三個臭皮,勝過一個諸葛亮 sān gè chòu pí jiang , shèng guò yī gè zhū gě liàng variant of 三個臭皮匠,賽過一個諸葛亮|三个臭皮匠,赛过一个诸葛亮[san1 ge4 chou4 pi2 jiang5 , sai4 guo4 yi1 ge4 Zhu1 ge3 Liang4]
三个臭皮,合成一个诸葛亮 sān gè chòu pí jiang , hé chéng yī gè zhū gě liàng lit. three ignorant cobblers add up to a genius (idiom); fig. collective wisdom
三個臭皮,合成一個諸葛亮 sān gè chòu pí jiang , hé chéng yī gè zhū gě liàng lit. three ignorant cobblers add up to a genius (idiom); fig. collective wisdom
三个臭皮,赛过一个诸葛亮 sān gè chòu pí jiang , sài guò yī gè zhū gě liàng lit. three ignorant cobblers add up to a genius (idiom); fig. collective wisdom; wisdom of the masses exceeds that of any individual
三個臭皮,賽過一個諸葛亮 sān gè chòu pí jiang , sài guò yī gè zhū gě liàng lit. three ignorant cobblers add up to a genius (idiom); fig. collective wisdom; wisdom of the masses exceeds that of any individual
三个臭皮,赛过诸葛亮 sān gè chòu pí jiang , sài guò zhū gě liàng lit. three ignorant cobblers add up to a genius (idiom); fig. collective wisdom; wisdom of the masses exceeds that of any individual
三個臭皮,賽過諸葛亮 sān gè chòu pí jiang , sài guò zhū gě liàng lit. three ignorant cobblers add up to a genius (idiom); fig. collective wisdom; wisdom of the masses exceeds that of any individual
三个臭皮,顶个诸葛亮 sān gè chòu pí jiang , dǐng gè zhū gě liàng lit. three ignorant cobblers add up to a genius (idiom); fig. collective wisdom; wisdom of the masses exceeds that of any individual
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