HSK | 3 |
FREQUENCY | 178th character |
RADICAL | ⼔ (21.2) |
INDEX # | 132 |
change, convert, reform; -ize
化 huà |
化 huā |

变化 biàn huà | change; variation; to change; to vary; CL:個|个[ge4] |
文化 wén huà | culture; civilization; cultural; CL:個|个[ge4],種|种[zhong3] |
化学 huà xué | chemistry; chemical |
消化 xiāo huà | to digest; digestion; digestive |
化妆 huà zhuāng | to put on makeup |
恶化 è huà | to worsen |
进化 jìn huà | evolution; CL:個|个[ge4] |
融化 róng huà | to melt; to thaw; to dissolve; to blend into; to combine; to fuse |
化验 huà yàn | chemical examination; to do a lab test |
二氧化碳 èr yǎng huà tàn | carbon dioxide CO2 |
简化 jiǎn huà | to simplify |
化石 huà shí | fossil |
多元化 duō yuán huà | diversification; pluralism; to diversify |
化肥 huà féi | fertilizer |
潜移默化 qián yí mò huà | imperceptible influence; to influence secretly |
化妆品 huà zhuāng pǐn | cosmetic; makeup product |
生化 shēng huà | biochemistry |
化疗 huà liáo | chemotherapy |
净化 jìng huà | to purify |
情绪化 qíng xù huà | emotional; sentimental |
化合物 huà hé wù | chemical compound |
化身 huà shēn | incarnation; reincarnation; embodiment (of abstract idea); personification |
化名 huà míng | to use an alias; assumed name; pseudonym |
火化 huǒ huà | to cremate; to incinerate |
化装 huà zhuāng | (of actors) to make up; to disguise oneself |