
change, convert, reform; -ize

HSK 3 #178


化 huà
  • to make into
  • to change into
  • -ization
  • to ... -ize
  • to transform
  • abbr. for 化學|化学[hua4 xue2]
化 huā
  • variant of 花[hua1]


化 stroke order diagram
化 stroke order animation


yìng huà to harden; hardening; sclerosis; fig. to become rigid or inflexible in opinions; to ossify
yǎng huà to oxidize
zhuǎn huà to change; to transform; isomerization (chemistry)
光天日 guāng tiān huà rì the full light of day (idiom); fig. peace and prosperity; in broad daylight
学反应 huà xué fǎn yìng chemical reaction
退 tuì huà to degenerate; atrophy
qiáng huà to strengthen; to intensify
剂 cuī huà jì catalyst
róng huà to melt (of ice, metals etc)
一氧碳 yī yǎng huà tàn carbon monoxide CO
fū huà breeding; to incubate; innovation (esp. in commerce and marketing)
合法 hé fǎ huà to legalize; to make legal; legalization
学品 huà xué pǐn chemicals
lǎo huà to age (of person or object); becoming old
měi huà to make more beautiful; to decorate; embellishment
解 huà jiě to dissolve; to resolve (contradictions); to dispel (doubts); to iron out (difficulties); to defuse (conflicts); to neutralize (fears)
白热 bái rè huà to turn white-hot; to intensify; to reach a climax
学家 huà xué jiā chemist
tóng huà assimilation (cultural, digestive, phonemic etc)
现代 xiàn dài huà modernization; CL:個|个[ge4]
学武器 huà xué wǔ qì chemical weapon
fǔ huà to rot; to decay; to become corrupt
多样 duō yàng huà diversification; to diversify
róng huà to melt; to dissolve (of sugar etc)
fēn huà to split apart; differentiation