
strangle, tighten



勒 lēi
  • to strap tightly
  • to bind
勒 lè
  • to rein in
  • to compel
  • to force
  • to carve
  • to engrave
  • (literary) to command
  • to lead
  • bridle
  • (physics) abbr. for 勒克斯[le4 ke4 si1], lux


勒 stroke order diagram
勒 stroke order animation


希特 xī tè lè Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)
tài lè Taylor (name)
索 lè suǒ to blackmail; to extort
比 jiā lè bǐ Caribbean
冈州 é lè gāng zhōu Oregon
冈 é lè gāng Oregon
斯坦 bā lè sī tǎn Palestine
拿撒 ná sǎ lè Nazareth (in Biblical Palestine)
那不斯 nà bù lè sī Napoli, capital of Campania region of Italy; Naples
敲诈索 qiāo zhà lè suǒ extortion and blackmail (idiom)
洛克菲 luò kè fēi lè Rockefeller
令 lè lìng to order; to force
克莱斯 kè lái sī lè Chrysler
布加斯特 bù jiā lè sī tè Bucharest, capital of Romania
斯大林格 sī dà lín gé lè Stalingrad, former name of Volvograd 伏爾加格勒|伏尔加格勒 (1925-1961)
密 tuō lè mì Ptolemy, kings of Egypt after the partition of Alexander the Great's Empire in 305 BC; Ptolemy or Claudius Ptolemaeus (c. 90-c. 168), Alexandrian Greek astronomer, mathematician and geographer, author of the Almagest 天文學大成|天文学大成; see also 托勒玫[Tuo1 le4 mei2]
gōu lè to draw the outline of; to outline; to sketch; to delineate contours of; to give a brief account of
mǎ lè Mahler (name); Gustav Mahler (1860-1911), Austrian composer
多普 duō pǔ lè Christian Johann Doppler, Austrian physicist who discovered the Doppler effect
陀利亚 bǐ lè tuó lì yà Pretoria, capital of South Africa
列宁格 liè níng gé lè Leningrad, name of Russian city Saint Petersburg 聖彼得堡|圣彼得堡 1923-1991
姆 sāi lè mǔ Salem, capital of Oregon; Salem, city in Massachusets; Salem, city in India
悬崖马 xuán yá lè mǎ lit. to rein in the horse at the edge of the precipice (idiom); fig. to act in the nick of time
luó lè sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum)
xí lè Schiller (name); Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller or Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805), German poet and dramatist
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