
strangle, tighten



勒 lēi
  • to strap tightly
  • to bind
勒 lè
  • to rein in
  • to compel
  • to force
  • to carve
  • to engrave
  • (literary) to command
  • to lead
  • bridle
  • (physics) abbr. for 勒克斯[le4 ke4 si1], lux


勒 stroke order diagram
勒 stroke order animation


惠斯 huì sī lè Whistler (name)
kè lè Keller or Köhler (name); Horst Köhler (1943-), German economist and CDU politician, head of the IMF 2000-2004, president of Germany 2004-2010
曼德 màn dé lè Mandalay, province and second city of Myanmar (Burma)
紧 lēi jǐn to tighten
莫 bā lè mò Palermo, Italy
mí lè Mile county in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan; Maitreya, the future Bodhisattva, to come after Shakyamuni Buddha
佛 mí lè fó Maitreya; the Bodhisattva that will be the next to come after Shakyamuni Buddha
gé lè (onom.) laughing sound; glug-glug haha!
诺布尔 gé lè nuò bù ěr Grenoble (French town)
斯 fǎ lè sī Perez (son of Judah)
萨格布 sà gé lè bù Zagreb, capital of Croatia 克羅地亞|克罗地亚[Ke4 luo2 di4 ya4]
伏尔加格 fú ěr jiā gé lè Volgograd, Russian city on the Volga River 伏爾加河|伏尔加河[Fu2 er3 jia1 He2]
伏爾加格 fú ěr jiā gé lè Volgograd, Russian city on the Volga River 伏爾加河|伏尔加河[Fu2 er3 jia1 He2]
岡 é lè gāng Oregon
岡州 é lè gāng zhōu Oregon
・凡尔纳 rú lè ・ fán ěr nà Jules Verne (1828-1905), French novelist specializing in science fiction and adventure stories, author of Around the World in Eighty Days 八十天环绕地球
・凡爾納 rú lè ・ fán ěr nà Jules Verne (1828-1905), French novelist specializing in science fiction and adventure stories, author of Around the World in Eighty Days 八十天环绕地球
克孜 kè zī lè Kyzyl, capital of Tuva 圖瓦|图瓦[Tu2 wa3]
克孜苏 kè zī lè sū Qizilsu or Kizilsu Kyrgyz autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang
克孜蘇 kè zī lè sū Qizilsu or Kizilsu Kyrgyz autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang
克孜苏地区 kè zī lè sū dì qū Qizilsu or Kizilsu Kyrgyz autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang
克孜蘇地區 kè zī lè sū dì qū Qizilsu or Kizilsu Kyrgyz autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang
克孜苏柯尔克孜自治州 kè zī lè sū kē ěr kè zī zì zhì zhōu Qizilsu or Kizilsu Kyrgyz autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang
克孜蘇柯爾克孜自治州 kè zī lè sū kē ěr kè zī zì zhì zhōu Qizilsu or Kizilsu Kyrgyz autonomous prefecture in Xinjiang
克孜苏河 kè zī lè sū hé Qizilsu or Kizilsu River in Xinjiang