cut, divide, partition; cede

HSK 6 #1665


割 gē
  • to cut
  • to cut apart



zhèng gē secant (of angle), written sec θ
yǎng gē to cut using oxyacetylene torch
联合收机 lián hé shōu gē jī combine; harvester
聯合收機 lián hé shōu gē jī combine; harvester
yān gē to castrate; fig. to emasculate
双曲余 shuāng qū yú gē hyperbolic cosecant, i.e. function cosech(x)
雙曲餘 shuāng qū yú gē hyperbolic cosecant, i.e. function cosech(x)
yú gē cosecant (of angle), written cosec θ or csc θ
yú gē cosecant (of angle), written cosec θ or csc θ
黃金分 huáng jīn fēn gē golden ratio; golden section
开 gē kāi to cut open; to split apart
机 shōu gē jī harvester; a farm implement for harvesting grain crops
dāo gē heartbroken; as painful as a knife cut
下来 gē xià lái to cut off; to remove by cutting