rule, law, regulation; grades


  • rule, law, regulation
  • grades
  • (conjunction used to express contrast with a previous clause) but
  • then
  • standard
  • norm
  • principle
  • to imitate
  • to follow
  • classifier for written items


則 stroke order diagram


一中原 yī zhōng yuán zé One-China principle, the official doctrine that Taiwan is a province of China
yī zé on the one hand
以喜,一以憂 yī zé yǐ xǐ , yī zé yǐ yōu happy on the one hand, but worried on the other (idiom)
一般原 yī bān yuán zé general principle
三人行,必有我師 sān rén xíng , zé bì yǒu wǒ shī If three walk together, one of them can teach me sth (Confucius)
三原 sān yuán zé the Three Principles (in many contexts)
不儉匱 bù jiǎn zé kuì wastage makes one destitute (idiom)
不平鳴 bù píng zé míng where there is injustice, there will be an outcry; man will cry out against injustice
不規 bù guī zé irregular
不規三角形 bù guī zé sān jiǎo xíng scalene triangle (math.)
不規四邊形 bù guī zé sì biān xíng irregular quadrilateral; trapezium
以身作 yǐ shēn zuò zé to set an example (idiom); to serve as a model
不缺 jiǎn zé bù quē frugality prevents destitution (idiom)
zài zé moreover; besides
個 zé gè (old sentence-final expression used for emphasis)
步隆 zé bù lóng Zabulon or Zebulun, biblical land between Jordan and Galilee (Matthew 4:15)
辣黑 zé là hēi Zerah (name)
不匱 qín zé bù kuì If one is industrious, one will not be in want. (idiom)
半規 bàn guī zé quasi-regular
yuán zé principle; doctrine; CL:個|个[ge4]
上 yuán zé shang in principle; generally
性 yuán zé xìng principled
fǒu zé if not; otherwise; else; or else
和平共處五項原 hé píng gòng chǔ wǔ xiàng yuán zé Zhou Enlai's Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence; 1954 Panchsheel series of agreements between PRC and India
氣緩 xǐ zé qì huǎn joy depresses one's qi vital breath; an excess of joy may lead to sluggishness of vital energy (TCM)
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