
correspondence; a case; a box



  • correspondence
  • a case
  • a box
  • envelope
  • case
  • letter
  • variant of 函[han2]


函 stroke order diagram
函 stroke order animation


邀请 yāo qǐng hán invitation letter; CL:封[feng1]
数 hán shù function (math.)
xìn hán letter; piece of correspondence (incl. email)
授 hán shòu to teach by correspondence
huí hán a reply (in writing)
馆 hán guǎn Hakodate, main port of south Hokkaidō 北海道[Bei3 hai3 dao4], Japan
zhì hán to send a letter
三角数 sān jiǎo hán shù trigonometric function
gōng hán official letter
件 hán jiàn letters; correspondence
购 hán gòu mail order
一次数 yī cì hán shù linear function (math.)
一次數 yī cì hán shù linear function (math.)
三角數 sān jiǎo hán shù trigonometric function
二次数 èr cì hán shù quadratic function
二次數 èr cì hán shù quadratic function
代数数 dài shù hán shù (math.) algebraic function
代數數 dài shù hán shù (math.) algebraic function
代数数论 dài shù hán shù lùn algebraic function theory (math.)
代數數論 dài shù hán shù lùn algebraic function theory (math.)
lái hán incoming letter; letter from afar; same as 来信
lái hán incoming letter; letter from afar; same as 来信
便 biàn hán an informal letter sent by an organization
数 ǒu hán shù even function (math.)
數 ǒu hán shù even function (math.)
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