
correspondence; a case; a box



  • correspondence
  • a case
  • a box
  • envelope
  • case
  • letter
  • variant of 函[han2]


函 stroke order diagram
函 stroke order animation


共享数库 gòng xiǎng hán shù kù shared library (computing)
共享數庫 gòng xiǎng hán shù kù shared library (computing)
人 hán rén armor maker
大 hán dà abbr. for 函授大學|函授大学[han2 shou4 da4 xue2], open university
子 hán zi functor (math.)
式库 hán shì kù library (partition on computer hard disk)
式庫 hán shì kù library (partition on computer hard disk)
授大学 hán shòu dà xué open university
授大學 hán shòu dà xué open university
授课程 hán shòu kè chéng correspondence course
授課程 hán shòu kè chéng correspondence course
數 hán shù function (math.)
洞 hán dòng variant of 涵洞[han2 dong4]
谷关 hán gǔ guān Hangu Pass in modern day Henan Province, strategic pass forming the eastern gate of the Qin State during the Warring States Period (770-221 BC)
谷關 hán gǔ guān Hangu Pass in modern day Henan Province, strategic pass forming the eastern gate of the Qin State during the Warring States Period (770-221 BC)
購 hán gòu mail order
办 hán bàn see 函送法辦|函送法办[han2 song4 fa3 ban4]
辦 hán bàn see 函送法辦|函送法办[han2 song4 fa3 ban4]
送 hán sòng (formal) to inform by letter; to submit in writing
送法办 hán sòng fǎ bàn to bring to justice; to hand over to the law
送法辦 hán sòng fǎ bàn to bring to justice; to hand over to the law
館 hán guǎn Hakodate, main port of south Hokkaidō 北海道[Bei3 hai3 dao4], Japan
数 yuán hán shù antiderivative
數 yuán hán shù antiderivative
数 fǎn hán shù inverse function (math.)