
freeze; cold, congeal; jelly


  • freeze
  • cold, congeal
  • jelly
  • to freeze
  • to feel very cold
  • aspic or jelly


港 bù dòng gǎng ice-free port; open port
港口 bù dòng gǎng kǒu ice-free port (refers to Vladivostok)
bīng dòng to freeze
三尺,非一日之寒 bīng dòng sān chǐ , fēi yī rì zhī hán three feet of ice does not form in a single day (idiom); Rome wasn't built in a day
lěng dòng to freeze; to deep-freeze
庫 lěng dòng kù freezer compartment
傷 dòng shāng frostbite
僵 dòng jiāng frozen stiff; numb with cold
土 dòng tǔ frozen earth; permafrost; tundra
土層 dòng tǔ céng permafrost; tundra; layer of frozen soil
害 dòng hài (agriculture) freezing injury
容 dòng róng "youth freezing", Chinese girls beginning anti-ageing treatments as young as two years old in the hope they will never look old
死 dòng sǐ to freeze to death; to die off in winter
漲 dòng zhǎng to freeze (prices, fees etc) (Tw)
瘡 dòng chuāng frostbite; chilblains
硬 dòng yìng to freeze solid; frozen stiff
穿 dòng chuān frostbite; chilblain
結 dòng jié to freeze (water etc); (fig.) to freeze (assets, prices etc)
肉 dòng ròu cold or frozen meat
膠 dòng jiāo gel
雨 dòng yǔ sleet
齡 dòng líng to maintain a youthful appearance
huà dòng to defrost
挨餓 shòu dòng ái è to go cold and hungry
天寒地 tiān hán dì dòng cold weather, frozen ground (idiom); bitterly cold
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