
repay, recompense; restitution


  • repay, recompense
  • restitution
  • to repay
  • to compensate for
  • to recompense
  • to fulfill (hopes etc)


dài cháng (medical) compensation; to repay a debt or obligation in place of someone else
付 cháng fù to pay back
債 cháng zhài to repay a debt
命 cháng mìng to pay with one's life
清 cháng qīng to repay; to pay off a debt
還 cháng huán to repay; to reimburse
bào cháng repay; recompense
夙願以 sù yuàn yǐ cháng a long-cherished ambition is realized
夙願得 sù yuàn dé cháng to have a long-cherished wish realized
如願以 rú yuàn yǐ cháng to have one's wish fulfilled
得不失 dé bù cháng shī the gains do not make up for the losses (idiom)
dǐ cháng to compensate; to make good (a financial loss)
yǒu cháng paying; paid (not free)
qiú cháng to seek compensation; indemnity
qīng cháng to repay a debt in full; to redeem; to clear
wú cháng free; no charge; at no cost
血債血 xuè zhài xuè cháng A debt of blood must be paid in blood.; Blood calls for blood.
血債要用血來 xuè zhài yào yòng xuè lái cháng A debt of blood must be paid in blood.; Blood calls for blood.
bǔ cháng to compensate; to make up
費 bǔ cháng fèi compensation
péi cháng to compensate
金 péi cháng jīn compensation
chóu cháng reward
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