
price, value


價 jià
  • price
  • value
  • (chemistry) valence
價 jie
  • great
  • good
  • middleman
  • servant


yī jià monovalent (chemistry)
sān jià trivalent
上海證券交易所綜合股指 shàng hǎi zhèng quàn jiāo yì suǒ zōng hé gǔ jià zhǐ Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) Composite Index
不二 bù èr jià one price for all; fixed price
不等交換 bù děng jià jiāo huàn exchange of unequal values
不變格 bù biàn jià gé fixed price; constant price
èr jià negotiable price; (chemistry) divalent; bivalent
交換值 jiāo huàn jià zhí exchange value
dài jià price; cost; consideration (in share dealing)
gū jià to value; to appraise; to be valued at; estimate; valuation
dī jià low price
使用值 shǐ yòng jià zhí usable value
kǎn jià to bargain; to haggle with a peddler
位 jià wèi price level
值 jià zhí value; worth; fig. values (ethical, cultural etc); CL:個|个[ge4]
值增殖 jià zhí zēng zhí adding value
值工程 jià zhí gōng chéng value engineering
值標準 jià zhí biāo zhǔn values; standards
值觀 jià zhí guān system of values
值連城 jià zhí lián chéng invaluable; priceless
值量 jià zhí liàng magnitude of value; labor value (in economics, the labor inherent in a commodity)
原 jià yuán Kagen or the Origin of Value by MIURA Baien 三浦梅園|三浦梅园[San1 pu3 Mei2 yuan2], pioneering study of economics comparable to Adam Smith's The Wealth of Nations 國富論|国富论[Guo2 fu4 lun4]
層 jià céng valency shell (chemistry)
廉物美 jià lián wù měi inexpensive and of good quality (idiom)
格 jià gé price; CL:個|个[ge4]
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