
wound, injury; fall ill from


  • wound, injury
  • fall ill from
  • to injure
  • injury
  • wound


kǎn shāng to wound with a blade or hatchet; to slash; to gash
風 pò shāng fēng tetanus (lockjaw)
破片殺 pò piàn shā shāng (military) fragmentation (grenade, bomb etc)
yìng shāng injury; trauma; (fig.) glaring error; flaw; shortcoming
shén shāng depressed; dispirited; dejected
神經性視損 shén jīng xìng shì sǔn shāng neurological visual impairment (NVI)
老大徒悲 lǎo dà tú shāng bēi vain regrets of old age (idiom)
腦損 nǎo sǔn shāng brain damage
致命 zhì mìng shāng mortal wound; (fig.) fatal weakness; Achilles' heel
視損 shì sǔn shāng visual impairment
觸景情 chù jǐng shāng qíng circumstances that evoke mixed feelings (idiom)
觸目心 chù mù shāng xīn distressing sight (idiom)
wù shāng to injure accidentally; accidental injury
fù shāng to be wounded; to sustain an injury
跌打損 diē dǎ sǔn shāng injury such as contusion, sprain or fracture from falling, blow etc
身負重 shēn fù zhòng shāng seriously injured
qīng shāng lightly wounded; minor injuries
遍體鱗 biàn tǐ lín shāng covered all over with cuts and bruises; beaten black and blue; be a mass of bruises
遲發性損 chí fā xìng sǔn shāng delayed lesion
zhòng shāng seriously hurt; serious injury
重複使力害 chóng fù shǐ lì shāng hài repetitive strain injury (RSI)
yǎng shāng to heal a wound; to recuperate (from an injury)
養虎身 yǎng hǔ shāng shēn Rear a tiger and court disaster. (idiom); fig. if you're too lenient with sb, he will damage you later; to cherish a snake in one's bosom
yàn shāng to examine a wound or injury (typically for forensic purposes)
lín shāng cuts and bruises like fish scales; terribly cut up