side; incline, slant, lean


側 cè
  • the side
  • to incline towards
  • to lean
  • inclined
  • lateral
  • side
側 zhāi
  • lean on one side


liǎng cè two sides; both sides
對稱 liǎng cè duì chèn bilateral symmetry
běi cè north side; north face
nán cè south side; south face
fǎn cè to toss and turn
yòu cè right side
dān cè one-sided; unilateral
wài cè outer side
溝 wài cè gōu lateral sulcus or Sylvian fissure (neuroanatomy)
裂 wài cè liè lateral sulcus or Sylvian fissure (neuroanatomy)
面 duō cè miàn many-sided
zuǒ cè left side
chuáng cè bedside
ruò cè weak side; off side (sports)
旁敲擊 páng qiāo cè jī to make insinuations; to take an indirect approach (in making inquiries) (idiom)
dōng cè east side; east face
珠玉在 zhū yù zài cè gems at the side (idiom); flanked by genius
yì cè flank (military)
bèi cè back; back side
脊柱凸 jǐ zhù cè tū scoliosis
脊柱彎 jǐ zhù cè wān scoliosis
脊椎彎 jǐ zhuī cè wān scoliosis
西 xī cè west side; west face
輾轉反 zhǎn zhuǎn fǎn cè to toss and turn restlessly (in the bed)
zhuǎn cè to change one's viewpoint; to turn from side to side (in bed)