side; incline, slant, lean


側 cè
  • the side
  • to incline towards
  • to lean
  • inclined
  • lateral
  • side
側 zhāi
  • lean on one side


化 yī cè huà lateralization
èr cè two sides
刀旁 cè dāo páng name of "knife" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 18), occurring in 到, 利, 别 etc; see also 刂[dao1]
壁 cè bì side wall
室 cè shì sideroom; concubine
寫 cè xiě to profile; profile; (offender) profiling
影 cè yǐng profile; silhouette
根 cè gēn lateral root (botany)
生動物 cè shēng dòng wù parazoan (animal of the subkingdom Parazoa, mostly sponges)
目 cè mù to raise eyebrows; to cast sidelong glances (expressing fear or indignation); shocked; surprised
空翻 cè kōng fān aerial cartwheel; side somersault
耳 cè ěr to bend an ear (to); to listen
臥 cè wò to lie on one's side
芽 cè yá axillary bud
身 cè shēn (to stand or move) sideways
躺 cè tǎng to lie down (on one's side)
邊欄 cè biān lán a side-bar (in software)
重 cè zhòng to place particular emphasis on
重點 cè zhòng diǎn main point; emphasis
鋒 cè fēng oblique attack (brush movement in painting)
錄 cè lù to capture data; to record illicitly; data skimming
鏈 cè liàn side chain (used in classifying amino acids)
門 cè mén side door
面 cè miàn lateral side; side; aspect; profile
qīng cè to lean to one side; slanting
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